Katherine Ritchie

Katherine Ritchie, University of California, Irvine
26. Mai 2021 16.45 – 18.45h CEST   Virtual conference room
Register by emailing alexandra.klot(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)univie.ac.at

Poster WKAP-Vortrag Katherine Ritchie

Identities without Labels

Abstract: There is a longstanding debate about the harms and benefits of appealing to identities and using identity labels in social, political, and academic contexts. If it would be better to have a language without identity labels, we should minimize the use of labels that are already in use, and not introduce more. While there are potential harms with both labeling lacunae and with using labels, by considering the interplay of power, the interests and epistemic positions of the powerful and marginalized, and the role self-labeling plays, I argue that the introduction and usage of labels for both dominant and marginalized identities can be positive. Identity labels do not, in general, bring more bad than good.